PP Value or Peak-to-peak Value क्या होती है ?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsPP Value or Peak-to-peak Value क्या होती है ?
itipapers Staff asked 3 years ago

PP Value or Peak-to-peak Value क्या होती है ?What is peak-to-peak value What is peak voltage Peak-to peak value formula Difference between peak value and peak-to-peak value Peak-to-peak voltage to RMS Peak to peak value of a sine wave is Peak voltage formula Peak-to-peak voltage calculator

1 Answers
itipapers Staff answered 1 year ago

वोल्टता धारा का धन-शिखर से ऋण शिखर तक का परिमाण शिखर-से-शिखर मान (P.P. valve) कहलाता है, जैसे 10-0-10 वोल्ट, 5-0-5 एम्पियर आदि।

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